Elżbieta Barszczewska

She appeared on screens for the first time while still a student of PIST (State Institute of Theatrical Arts) in a small role in Michał Waszyński’s Co mój mąż robi w nocy/Where is My Husband Tonight?. Two years later she played a main character – the terrible Mrs Twardowska – for Henryk Szaro and got very positive reviews. She strengthened that opinion with a contrasting, melodramatic role of Stefcia Rudecka in Trędowata/The Leper, shining brightly alongside the film stars of the time. The next offers would come from eminent directors and Barszczewska was just as real and natural in the dramatic roles of Bronka in Dziewczęta z Nowolipek/The Girls of Nowolipki based on Gojawiczyńska’s novel, in Granica/The Frontier based on Nałkowska’s novel, in sentimental Znachor/The Quack and Profesor Wilczur/Professor Wilczur.
After the war she appeared only once, in the interesting role of Małgorzata in Zbigniew Kamiński’s TV film Rytm serca [‘Heart-Beat’].
Magda Sendecka
Selected filmography
reż. Józef Lejtes
reż. Michał Waszyński