Ewa Wiśniewska


As a secondary school student she won the ‘Film’ competition Beautiful girls - on screens!, which never got in the way of her finishing the University of Performing Arts. She gained great popularity with Henryk Kluba’s TV series Doktor Ewa [‘Dr Eva’], but her best roles came when she was a mature actress. Her life’s work includes many characters of women aware of their self-worth, beautiful, observing the reality of life from a distance but able to draw plenty out of it. That’s the censor’s sarcastic wife in Ucieczka z kina Wolność/Escape from the “Liberty” Cinema’, the mayor’s wife in Zygadło’s Sceny dziecięce/Child’s Scenes of Provincial Life and Rita in Majewski’s Po sezonie/Off Season.

But her biggest role will forever be Róża – the main character of Cudzoziemka/The Stranger based on Maria Kuncewiczowa’s novel – of whom Ewa Wiśniewska was an ideal personification.




Magda Sendecka

Selected filmography