Krystyna Janda


One of the most eminent Polish actresses, her body of work (Polish and foreign) includes a few dozen titles.
Thanks to her amazing portrayal of Agnieszka in Wajda’s Człowiek z marmuru/Man of Marble she became the icon of moral-concern cinema. She proved her class in Ryszad Bugajski’s Przesłuchanie/Interrogation, for which she was finally awarded at Cannes Film Festival after years of the film being kept locked away by the Polish office of censorship.
Emotionally unstable, running away from loneliness into alcohol and arms of different men, was the heroine of Kochankowie mojej mamy/My Mother’s Lovers; fighting the restrictions of her handicap, the poet Jadwiga Stańczak in Parę osób, mały czas/A Few People, a Little Time; Irena, worrying about her unmarried daughter in Rewers/Reverse – these and other characters portrayed by Janda are similar when it comes to internal strength and determination with which they face life.
She brought in more than just talent into Wajda’s Tatarak/Sweet Rush, turning a part of her life into art.
Krystyna Janda is also a director and owner of the theatre Teatr Polonia, in Warsaw.

Selected filmography