SCREAM [1982]

- 1982
release date:
- 2 XII 1983
- 88 min
directed by:
- Barbara Sass
written by:
- Barbara Sass
director of photography:
- Wiesław Zdort
- Dorota Stalińska [Marianna Perełka], Stanisław Igar [Nowicki], Krzysztof Pieczyński [Marek], Iga Cembrzyńska [Marianna’s mother], Anna Romantowska [head nurse], Marek Bargiełowski [an activist]
edited by:
- Maria Orłowska
music by:
- Wojciech Trzciński
production design:
- Jerzy Sajko
produced by:
- Studio Filmowe „Kadr”
executive producer:
- Ryszard Straszewski
- Koszalin Film Debut Festival "The Young and the Cinema" 1983: Grand Prix Grand Jantar for Barbara Sass, best actress award for Dorota Stalińska
- IFF San Sebastian (Spain) 1983: CAALA award for Barbara Sass, CAALA award and CIDALC award for Dorota Stalińska
About the film
The film perfectly captures the atmosphere of vindication prevailing in 1981. The nursing home turns out to be a clear metaphor for society.
Marianna, a girl from criminal circles in the shady district of Praga, is released from prison and, with the help of a social worker, gets a job as an orderly at a luxury nursing home. She is taking care of an old, bitter man.
It is 1981. Union activists carry out checks in the nursing home, suspecting that old prominent party members might be illegally occupying places there. Rumour has it that one of them is the old man. Marianna leaves the decrepit house where her alcoholic mother lives with her lover. She stays at Marek’s − a male nurse from the nursing home. In anticipation of a promised apartment, Marek arranges accommodation for himself in a trailer. As a result of her feelings for Marek, Marianna evolves from a vulgar tomboy into a friendly, well-groomed girl. When his hopes for an apartment are shattered, Marek leaves. Desperate, Marianna blames the old man for her homelessness and poverty; he did not want to lend her the money to bribe the housing cooperative. In a fit of rage, she hits him with a bottle and lets out an animalistic cry of helplessness.
Adam Wyżyński, Leksykon polskich filmów fabularnych, Warszawa 1996