

release date:

15 II 1949


102 min

directed by:

Leonard Buczkowski

written by:

Roman Niewiarowicz, Ludwik Starski

director of photography:

Seweryn Kruszyński, Mieczysław Verocsy


Danuta Szaflarska [Krysia Różycka-Konar], Jerzy Duszyński [Witek Konar], Alina Janowska [Basia], Adolf Dymsza [Alfred Ziółko], Jadwiga Chojnacka [Honorata Malikowa], Wanda Jakubińska [Kowalska], Wacław Jankowski [clerk Cyrjan], Stanisław Jaworski [cashier Augustyn Halny], Ludwik Sempoliński [counsel Sass-Gromocki], Kazimierz Szubert [director Leon Brycki]

edited by:

Joanna Rojewska

music by:

Jerzy Harald

production design:

Anatol Radzinowicz

produced by:

Przedsiębiorstwo Państwowe Film Polski, Zespół Produkcyjny Warszawa

executive producer:

Ludwik Hager

About the film

The first post-war comedy was inspired by the housing shortages in the destroyed capital city.

Witek is a bus driver in destroyed, post-war Warsaw. He marries Krysia, a young saleswoman. The newlyweds have one problem: to find accommodation in the ruined capital. They decide to live as subtenants of Mrs. Malik in a room − a place where others have already found shelter: Fredek Ziółko − a radio employee, Barbara − a waitress, and counsel Sass - Gromocki. Dreaming of his own apartment, Witek draws a plan, marking the place where his wife − his beloved treasure − will sleep. Fredek finds this sketch while cleaning the room. Everyone becomes obsessed with the treasure; in the absence of the young couple, the others break down the walls, but they only find an unexploded aerial bomb. Rubble obstructs the door and the unfortunate treasure seekers are trapped. They are released by builders of the W- Z Route. Witek and Krysia get an apartment of their own.

Jan Słodowski, Leksykon polskich filmów fabularnych, Warszawa 1996