Alina Janowska


In the first post-war film she sang the ‘forbidden songs’. She became very popular after taking part in the TV series Wojna domowa/War at Home, where she created a character of an energetic, modern woman full of warmth and humour, who deals with problems of bringing up her teenage niece in her stride. Her comedic talent, distance and auto-irony were appreciated by great directors: Jerzy Gruza, Jan Rybkowski – for whom she created an unconventional portrait of Mrs Dulska – and Sylwester Chęciński – in Rozmowy kontrolowane/Call controlled. She also played dramatic roles but usually supporting ones, like in Piotr Szulkin’s Femina.
For TV audiences she became Gabriela from Złotopolscy [The Złotopolski Family], which didn’t stop directors from giving her roles in cinema films. Izabela Szylko’s Niezawodny system/Infallible system is a film dedicated to her talent, where she plays an elderly lady, who lives surrounded by memories and indulging in a harmless addiction. With that role she grabbed, again, the viewers’ love and critics’ applause and awards at international festivals (amongst others in Monaco and Zimbabwe).

Magda Sendecka

Selected filmography


  • Jakubowska zaangażowała mnie do Ostatniego etapu do roli partyzantki. Kręciliśmy scenę mojej śmierci. Zbliżenie. Pani reżyser tłumaczy, że w mych oczach musi się malować determinacja...
