Jan Machulski

Theatre and film actor, director and teacher. Born on July 3, 1928 in Łódź, died on November 20, 2008 in Warsaw. Associated with theatres in Olsztyn, Opole, Lublin, Łódź, and Warsaw. Founder – along with his wife Halina Machulska – of the Ochota Theatre in Warsaw, where...


Krzysztof Majchrzak

Before going to theatre school, he studied vocal pedagogy at the State Higher School of Music in Łódź. He never gave up his passion for music – he is not only an actor, but – in his spare time – a musician, member of the jazz quartet A2.
He was born on March 2, 1948 in Gdansk....


Zdzisław Maklakiewicz

“Nobody can play seemingly common and uninteresting characters as convincingly as Maklakiewicz,” Tadeusz Konwicki once said. “He had his own distinctive style, even in bad or even terrible films,” Krzysztof Mętrak commented. “He was not a star. He did not even play leading...


Teresa Marczewska

Her debut role was (still as Teresa Kamińska) for Henryk Kluba in Słońce wschodzi raz na dzień/The Sun Rises Once a Day, which was locked away by the censorship office for years. Hans Kloss fans remembered her expressive face from the dramatic role of Simone in the episode...


Wiesław Michnikowski

He is most famous for his performances in the Elder Gentlemen’s Cabaret. Some of the songs he performed together with Mieczysław Czechowicz are now Polish evergreens, covered by many other artists. He also starred in a feature sequel to the Cabaret Upał [Heat] (1964) directed...


Recommended video

  • Polish Cinema 1895-1918, prof. Tadeusz Lubelski
  • Polish Cinema 1955-1961, prof. Tadeusz Lubelski
  • History of the Polish film industry, Andrzej Bukowiecki
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