Bogumił Kobiela

“He had exceptional acting technique, he could play just about anyone and anything. However, since he was also gifted with enormous comic talent, he was automatically typecast in comedy roles. I think what pained him the most was the fact that the audience wanted from him...


Maja Komorowska

One of the most remarkable people of the Polish theatre and screen; an actress in Jerzy Grotowski’s theatre and Krzysztof Zanussi’s films.
Her debut on the big screen was in Zanussi’s Życie rodzinne/Family Life, where she played Bella – the main character’s extravagant sister, ...


Marek Kondrat

He appeared in over a hundred films and television series. In 2007, he publicly declared that he was retiring as an actor. Three years later, however, he returned with a role in Mała matura 1947 [Little baccalaureate 1947] (2010), directed by Janusz Majewski, his close...


Władysław Kowalski

For a long time, he was cast in “boyish” roles. “Władysław Kowalski entered the world of Polish film as the Boy. He played a series of roles as young, inexperienced men on the cusp of adulthood,” Konrad Eberhardt, one of the greatest Polish film critics, wrote. One year...


Barbara Krafftówna

After a few distinct supporting roles she received an offer that every actress dreams about. Felicja in Wojciech Has’s Jak być kochaną/How to be Loved is a complicated role, rich in nuances and played in several time spans, which allows us to watch the heroine’s evolution...


Emilia Krakowska

For a long time she would bring to mind a striped skirt and wild eroticism: Malina in Wajda’s Brzezina/The Birchwood based on Iwaszkiewicz’s short story, in shots borrowed from Jacek Malczewski’s paintings she seduced two brothers nearing their deaths. Untamed passion of...


Ewa Krzyżewska

Two remarkable roles mark her career: starting with the role of barmaid Krystyna in Wajda’s legendary Popiół i diament/Ashes and Diamonds where she partnered Zbyszek Cybulski; and ending with Rebeka Widmar in Janusz Majewski’s Zazdrość i medycyna/Jealousy and Medicine, where...


Barbara Kwiatkowska

Gorgeous Ewa in Tadeusz Chmielewski’s debut film, she herself was a debutante who won a competition against thousands of candidates. Full of charm and naivety, which could bring on dangerous situations, were her heroines – like Iwona in Pan Anatol szuka miliona /Anatol Seeks...


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  • Polish Cinema 1919-1929, prof. Tadeusz Lubelski
  • Polish Cinema 1945-1954, prof. Tadeusz Lubelski
  • History of the Polish film industry, Andrzej Bukowiecki
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