Edward Dziewoński

A graduate of the State Institute of Theatrical Arts in Warsaw (1937), he debuted on stage and in film after World War II. Born on December 16, 1916 in Moscow, died on August 17, 2002 in Warsaw. He had a small role in Zakazane Piosenki/Forbidden Songs by Leonard Buczkowski, ...


Adam Ferency

He was briefly seen in Zdjęcia próbne/Screen Tests by Agnieszka Holland, Paweł Kędzierski and Jerzy Domaradzki, and in Holland’s TV film Niedzielne dzieci/Sunday Children. Holland also cast him in a minor role in Aktorzy provincionalni/Provincial Actors, and in her...


Piotr Fronczewski

Film, theatre and television actor. Born on June 8, 1946 in Łódź, he made his debut as a twelve-year-old in Wolne miasto/Free City by Stanisław Różewicz. Later, he played a number of minor roles in TV theatre. A graduate of the Warsaw Theatre Academy (1968). Well-known not...


Janusz Gajos

For a time it seemed that in the eyes of the audience he would forever remain Janek Kos, the dashing young soldier in the classic TV series by Konrad Nałęcki Czterej pancerni i pies/Four Tank Men and a Dog (1966-1970). Later, he played an equally iconic role as the janitor...


Wiesław Gołas

Excellent and extremely versatile theatre and television actor and cabaret performer.
He was born on October 9, 1930 in Kielce. A graduate of the Acting Department of the State Higher School of Theatre in Warsaw (1954). After graduation, he joined the Dolnośląski Theatre in...


Jan Himilsbach

A true prince among Polish amateur actors. Writer, screenwriter, character actor. Born on May 1, 1931 in Minsk Mazowiecki (the date is not certain), died on November 11, 1988 in Warsaw. Tombstone carver by profession. He made his debut in Rejs/Cruise by Marek Piwowski, where...


Gustaw Holoubek

His output is impressive: over one hundred theatre productions, a hundred televised spectacles, over seventy roles in films and TV series, voice acting… He was also a director, screenwriter, teacher and socio-political activist.
He was born on April 21, 1923 in Krakow; died on...


Teresa Iżewska

She only appeared in a few films during the second half of the 50s and the first half of the 60s. Her last screen role was a supporting one in Tomasz Zygadło’s Odwet/Revenge as a graduate convention member.
She became part of cinema history because of one role: in Andrzej...


Tadeusz Janczar

His roles Piątka z ulicy Barskiej/ Five From Barska Street (1953) by Aleksander Ford, Pokolenie/Generation (1954) and Kanał/Canal (1956) by Andrzej Wajda, and Pożegnania/Farewells (1958) by Wojciech Jerzy Has made Janczar one of the first film stars of Polish post-war cinema, ...


Krystyna Janda

One of the most eminent Polish actresses, her body of work (Polish and foreign) includes a few dozen titles.
Thanks to her amazing portrayal of Agnieszka in Wajda’s Człowiek z marmuru/Man of Marble she became the icon of moral-concern cinema. She proved her class in Ryszad...


Jadwiga Jankowska-Cieślak

Not many actresses in the Polish cinema have had so much luck when it comes to roles. Right from her debut role of Magda in Morgenstern’s Trzeba zabić tę miłość/This Love Must be Killed which brought her the Zbyszek Cybulski Award, she’s been playing ambiguous characters, put...


Alina Janowska

In the first post-war film she sang the ‘forbidden songs’. She became very popular after taking part in the TV series Wojna domowa/War at Home, where she created a character of an energetic, modern woman full of warmth and humour, who deals with problems of bringing up her...


Kalina Jędrusik

Charismatic singer in the famous Jerzy Wasowski and Jeremi Przybora’s TV show Kabaret Starszych Panów, she was the Polish sex symbol of the 60s. Gifted with unusual beauty and a soft, characteristic voice that used to give men chills, she was unlucky with leading roles. The...


Kazimierz Junosza-Stępowski

Born on November 26 or 28, 1880 (some sources say December 8, 1882, which is probably the date of his baptism) in Venice. Theatre actor associated with cinema since the beginning of its existence on Polish soil. He starred in experimental films by Kazimierz Prószyński, such...


Bogumił Kobiela

“He had exceptional acting technique, he could play just about anyone and anything. However, since he was also gifted with enormous comic talent, he was automatically typecast in comedy roles. I think what pained him the most was the fact that the audience wanted from him...


Recommended video

  • Polish Cinema 1895-1918, prof. Tadeusz Lubelski
  • Polish Cinema 1955-1961, prof. Tadeusz Lubelski
  • History of the Polish film industry, Andrzej Bukowiecki
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